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James holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering Science and Mechanics from Penn State University and earned a Master of Arts degree in Counseling & Depth Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute. His master’s thesis, titled Symphonies of Consciousness, explored Jungian depth psychology as a means to better understand the role of music in psychedelic-assisted therapy.

James’ path to becoming a therapist and psychedelic facilitator was borne out of recreational psychedelic use while attending music festivals in his early twenties. James experienced a profound expansion of self-awareness and a deep yearning to understand not just his own experiences with psychedelics, but the nature of human transformation itself. Amidst a newfound fascination with the intersection of psychology and spirituality, James also became alert to the powerful ways in which music can influence the psyche in non-ordinary states of consciousness.

James’ approach to therapy is rooted in his conviction that psychedelics serve to catalyze pre-existing capacities for healing. His style emphasizes a non-directive, person-centered approach which strives to balance active listening and empathetic attunement with the skillful application of trauma-informed intervention.

When he is not working on retreat or seeing therapy clients in private practice, he can be found reading, writing, DJing, or cuddling with Lolo.

Mark Delaney

Mark Delaney
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