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Chris holds a Bachelor’s of Science in Psychology and is on track to complete his Master’s of Science degree in Clinical Psychology at the University of the West Indies in the summer of 2022. His approach to psychotherapy is rooted in the ideology of working collaboratively with clients in setting goals and making appreciable steps to achieving them in each session.

He routinely seeks out opportunities to increase his breadth and depth of knowledge in both classical and contemporary techniques and strategies of therapy in the service of tailoring his treatment to the unique needs and preferences of each client. His interests lie specifically in trauma-informed interventions for those having issues with processing past experiences that continue to cause them distress.

When not facilitating retreats at MycoMeditations, Chris conducts psychological assessments and offers psychotherapy at a group practice in Kingston, Jamaica. He also enjoys playing musical instruments, working out, reading, playing chess, playing video games and raising his terrier-mixed puppy.

Sadie Watts

Sadie Watts
We have a wide variety of retreats for you to choose from for your life-changing experience
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